Our Task:
Work with the Bluejeantime team in Designing and direction of the Application. Creating marketing opportunists. Coming up with better ideas to improve the App and making it more user friendly
BlueJean Time is a collaboration tool box for connected humans allowing them to have access to ALL of their STUFF no matter where they are (in an office, in a bar, on the beach, in the rest room…)
Website: www.bluejeantime.com
The Concept:
A user goes to http://www.bluejeantime.com, logs in and enters the BlueJeanTime world. In this world the human can go to Places that they are a member of by invitation or ownership (any human can set up any number of Places for free and invite members to join their place). Every Place upon creation is equipped with the Connect App enabling “Connect”ion with other members of the Place (like Topics, Checklists, Elections, Shared Documents and Templates). Within each place, members can collaborate privately, where all communications are encrypted… more secure than email and spam free.
- Photoshop
- Illustrator
Project Info
BlueJean Time is a collaboration tool box for connected humans allowing them to have access to ALL of their STUFF no matter where they are (in an office, in a bar, on the beach, in the rest room…)